Balai Publikasi Indonesia is a scientific publication institution which includes publication of scientific journals, book publishing, assistance in managing IPR (Intellectual Property Rights), and National and International Seminar Organizing Services (International Conference). Indonesian Publication Center is here as a solution for colleagues, lecturers, students, writers, employees, workers and entrepreneurs
Balai Publikasi Indonesia isPlace Vehicle HomePublication of Scientific Work
Who We Are?
Balai Publikasi Indonesia is a publishing company that was launched in 2022. It started with a mission to provide scientific publication media for researchers, lecturers and students from upstream to downstream so as to create a better scientific publication ecosystem. As well as aiming to promote open scientific exchange in all scientific disciplines.
Quisque elementum nibh at dolor pellentesque, a eleifend libero pharetra. Mauris neque felis, volutpat nec ullamcorper eget, sagittis vel enim.... read more
Quisque elementum nibh at dolor pellentesque, a eleifend libero pharetra. Mauris neque felis, volutpat nec ullamcorper eget, sagittis vel enim.... read more
What Client’s Say
Saya sangat berterimakasih kepada Balai Publikasi Indonesia. Sangat membantu saya dalam publikasi naskah saya pada jurnalnya. Terimakasih atas bantuannya
Raden Hamidi
CEO Andalos Prima
I am quite helped by the existence of the BPI, I can publish my book and they are very helpful in the publication process.